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WarezLoad Rules & Recommendations |
09-02-2023, 09:05 AM |
14 |
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Poll: WarezLoad Rules & Recommendations |
WarezLoad Downloads
WarezLoad Official Rules
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WarezLoad Rules & Recommendations
Welcome to WarezLoad, Please take your time to read forum rules.
1 Do not spam our board/Forum.
2 No posting self-gain links
3 Moderators retain the right to remove posts that seek to draw members away from WarezLoad and ban users seeking to do it.
4 Posts, files or file archives that link or in any way contain adware, spyware or any other malicious content is strictly forbidden.
6 WarezLoad reserves the right to ban users who, or delete posts that, use WarezLaod to promote other sites or platforms.
7 Don't post everything ALL IN CAPS. This is considered shouting and is unacceptable.
8 Don't post everything in large font Don't post all text in a single color other than black unless there is a good reason for it.
9 Don't post excessively large images. Images in releases should be max 800 pixels in height.
10 Don't quote very long posts, quote the relevant part
11 Do not hijack a thread by going off topic: always stay relevant to the topic.
12 Flaming is not allowed. Racism, as well as flaming and insulting members will not be tolerated. Treat others positively and with respect.
13 No porn/excessive profanity in your profiles, signatures or avatars.
14 Do not harass other members. This goes for both posts and private messages.
15 Moderators on WarezLoad are authority figures and are to be treated with respect. Criticism of moderators is allowed, but personal attacks on moderators will be dealt with severely. Users may be banned for harassing a moderator.
16 Users are not allowed to have multiple accounts a user may not help an already banned user by making posts for him or her.
17 Members who disobey the rules will be warned or banned depending on what the moderator believes is the appropriate punishment.
This does not mean that you have to have a warning to get banned, moderators may ban you without warning depending on the offense.
18 Do not harass other members. This goes for both posts and private messages.
19 Criticism of moderators is allowed, but personal attacks on moderators will be dealt with severely. Users may be banned for harassing a moderator.
20 No porn/excessive profanity in your profiles, signatures or avatars.
Posting Guidelines 
(1) Post topic in correct section.
(2) Do not use underscores ( _ ) in your topic titles It may not show up in results during search.
(3) Sales tactics are strictly prohibited. Do not advertise or promote your warez sites.
(4) Direct download links only. Do not post link to webpage or another forum / blog or a folder listing.
(5) If link points to webpage where registration is required, it may be considered as advertisementi
(6) It is recommended that you code external links. Although no longer mandatory, it is still preferable.
(7) Registered Users can post up to 30 posts 30 Beiträge pro Tag, die jeder Benutzer endlich auf warezload.net posten kann
(8) Uploaders can posts up to 50 posts
(9) Two Filehosts compulsory for everyone
(10) Posting Premium Links (or links which require registration) are allowed only when accompanied by free links so do not start a topic by posting all premium links.
Quote:In all posts that require a filehost links, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net,filefactory.com , k2s.cc ,uploady.io & filespayout.com are the only filehosts permitted,
For filehosting Representative interested in obtaining authorized status please reach out to us via Private message or Email.
Posts made in the forum are the sole property of their respective posters. Therefore, the Forum Owner and/or Administrator and/or Staff cannot be held responsible for them but can take appropriate action should any complaint arise. Members are reminded to respect copyrights. As such any links or posts containing illegal material are not permitted.
Filehost alfafile.net added successfully they are now finally whitelisted.
We can change anytime our rules if its demand
Thank you.
(Latest edit - 12 Jan, 2025) |